This Standard applies to all BCEGI employees and 3rd parties across all BCEGI construction sites and offices.


This Standard provides direction to BCEGI employees on the company’s requirements for Coronavirus (COVID- 19). It ensures that suitable and sufficient measures are established to protect the workforce and minimise the risk of spread of infection.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness which infects the lungs. Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads when an infected person coughs small droplets containing the virus into the air. These can cause an infection if breathed in, or if you touch a surface they have landed on and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Symptoms start with a fever followed by a dry cough, which can lead to breathing problems.

This Standard is intended to ensure consistent measures are in place across all BCEGI construction sites and offices in line with the government guidance document ‘Working safely during COVID-19 in construction and other outdoor work’ updated on 12th August 2020 the Construction Leadership Council ‘Construction Sector – Site Operating Procedures’ issued on 4th July 2020.



UK Government COVID-19 Secure guidelines are to be followed at all company workplaces.

Anyone (BCEGI and subcontractor staff included) that meets any of the following criteria must not come to any BCEGI construction site or office and must follow government guidance on self-isolation –

  • High temperature (above 37.8oC), a persistent cough or a loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell
  • Tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19), even if experiencing no symptoms
  • Is within 14 days of the day when the first member of their household showed symptoms of Coronavirus(COVID-19)
  • Has been contacted by the NHS Test & Trace Service
  • Has not been contacted by the NHS Test & Trace Service but knows themselves to have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) anytime from 2 days before the person was symptomatic up to 7 days from onset of their symptoms. ‘Close contact’ could be a person who:
    • Spends significant time in the same household
    • Is a sexual partner
    • Has had face-to-face contact (within one metre), including:
      • Being coughed on
      • Having skin-to-skin physical contact, or
      • Contact within one metre for one minute
  • Has been within 2 metres of someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more than 15 minutes
  • Has travelled in the same small, large vehicle or plane

Anyone classed as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ or ‘clinically vulnerable’ should in the first instance be helped to work from home, either in their current role or in an alternative role if possible. Where not possible, a specific risk assessment should be produced by the persons employer which considers whether 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing can be maintained at all times and the severity of the persons condition. Subcontractors are to provide BCEGI with a specific risk assessment for that person demonstrating that the risk has been assessed and is an acceptable level. Individuals classed as ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ will have been contacted by their GP or hospital advising them of such. Individuals with the following conditions are classed as ‘clinically vulnerable’ –

    • under 70 with an underlying health condition listed below (that is, anyone instructed to get a flu jab as an adult each year on medical grounds):
    • chronic (long-term) mild to moderate respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis
    • chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
    • chronic kidney disease
    • chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
    • chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), or cerebral palsy
    • diabetes
    • a weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or medicines such as steroid tablets
    • being seriously overweight (a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above)
    • pregnant women

Anyone living with a person who is at increased risk of severe illness or is ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ and is shielding from Coronavirus (COVID-19) is permitted to attend BCEGI construction sites and offices but should stringently follow government guidance on social distancing and minimise contact outside the home.

Any BCEGI staff that are able to work from home must work from home. Due to the continued need to manage our construction sites safely and effectively, staff members involved directly in site supervision/site management will not feasibly be able to work from home in most instances. All other staff members must work from home where they are able to do so.

Subcontractor staff involved in construction activity are by virtue of the work that they do unable to work from home however, the number of subcontractor staff attending our constructions sites to work must be strictly managed to ensure that government guidance on social distancing is implemented effectively. Responsibility for ensuring that the number of subcontractor staff on site is kept to a manageable amount is with the Project Manager, who must on a daily basis review the number of subcontractor staff and the effective implementation of social distancing on site. Due to variation in work activities, access/egress arrangements, site welfare setups etc, a figure for the maximum number of subcontractor staff cannot be applied consistently across all of our construction sites. The Construction Director and/or SHEQ Lead may instruct a reduction in the number of subcontractor staff on any project where social distancing is not being implemented effectively.


  • All staff (inc subcontractors) to stay more than 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) apart at all times where possible
  • Work activities to be rearranged to enable them to be done by one person or to maintain 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing where possible
  • Where it is not possible for staff (inc subcontractors) to stay more than 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) apart when undertaking a work activity then that work activity can only be undertaken where it is needed for the site to continue to operate or in emergency situations such as first aid. In such circumstances, the following principles are to be applied –
    • A risk assessment for the work activity must be in place
    • The time and frequency for which the ‘1m with risk mitigation’ social distance isn’t maintained is to be kept to a minimum
    • The number of workers involved in the work activities is to be kept to a minimum
    • Fixedteams/partnering
    • Workers to work side by side, or facing away from each other, rather than face to face where possible
    • Increase ventilation in closed spaces
    • Workers to wash hands before and after using any equipment
    • Regularcleaningofcommontouchpoints, doors, buttons, handles, vehicle cabs, tools, equipment etc
    • Skintoskincontactistobeavoided
    • Additional supervision to be provided to monitor and manage compliance o Re-usablePPEistobethoroughcleanedafteruse
    • Single-use PPE is to be disposed of so that it cannot be reused
  • Any work activities where 2m social distance is not viable and workers cannot maintain the ‘1m with risk mitigation’ social distance will be controlled strictly by way of a social distancing permit to work system. Subcontractors must obtain a permit to work from BCEGI site management prior to the work activity being undertaken. Any such works being undertaken without a permit will be stopped immediately and site disciplinary action will be taken.
  • BCEGI and subcontractor office layouts to be rearranged to allow people to work and maintain the 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distance. Only where it is not possible to move workstations further apart should other measures be implemented such as working back to back or side by side rather than face to face or using screens to separate people.

BCEGI site management will undertake a weekly social distancing inspection to monitor compliance with this management standard. Any instances of non-compliance will be reported to subcontractor site management where applicable and repeated non-compliance will result in site disciplinary action being taken.


Where workers are required to wear PPE for their specific task, to control the risk of spread of infection –

    • Re-usablePPEistobethoroughcleanedafteruse
    • Single-use PPE is to be disposed of so that it cannot be reused


According to government guidance document ‘Working safely during COVID-19 in construction and other outdoor work’ updated on 12th August 2020, there is growing evidence that wearing a face covering in an enclosed space helps protect individuals and those around them from Coronavirus (COVID-19) but that face coverings are not a replacement for other ways of managing risk. Face coverings are to be made available where workers are not required to wear RPE for their specific task and their workplace meets any of the following criteria –

  • An enclosed space
  • Where social distancing isn’t always possible; and
  • Where they come into contact with others, they do not normally meet

Face coverings are not a replacement for the other ways of managing risk, including minimising time spent in contact, using fixed teams and partnering for close-up work, and increasing hand and surface washing. These other measures remain the best ways of managing risk in the workplace. Staff (inc subcontractors) may wear a face covering however this is optional. If face coverings are worn it is important that they are used properly and that wearers wash hands before putting them on and taking them off. Face coverings must not adversely impact the use of other PPE which is required to be worn e.g. eye protection.


  • BCEGI and subcontractor staff to walk or cycle where possible. Where not possible, driving or use of public transport is permitted.
  • Where public transport is the only option for workers they should –
    • Consider avoiding using public transport during peak times (05:45 ‐ 8:15 and 16:00 ‐ 17:30)
    • Be aware that face coverings are mandatory on all types of public transport
  • If workers have no option but to share a vehicle then they should –
    • Share with the same individuals where possible and minimise the number of people from outside of the same household
    • Maintain a distance of 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) where possible and avoiding touching their faces
    • Maintain ventilation(open windows) and face away from each other
    • Wash/sanitise hands (60%+ alcohol based) hands upon entering and getting out of vehicle
    • Regularly clean the interior of the vehicle and handles using gloves and standard cleaning products
  • Project managers to ensure there is adequate parking for BCEGI and subcontractor staff working on site
  • Anyone who takes ill to be picked up by somebody from the same household if they are unable to get home safely on their own


  • Stop access for all non-essential visitors
  • Staggered start and finish times for subcontractor staff on site to maintain social distancing on access/egress routes and welfare facilities
  • 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) interval demarcations to be established at site access/egress points
  • BCEGI and subcontractor staff to be signed in and out by security guard/gate attendant or card/facial scanners to be used – fingerprint scanners must not be used
  • Signage to be displayed at access/egress points instructing BCEGI and subcontractor staff to wash/sanitise (60%+ alcohol based) hands upon arrival and departure
  • Project Manager to instruct subcontractors that every effort should be made to avoid the need for site inductions to be carried out by using staff that have previously been inducted on site. Where site induction cannot be avoided, numbers to be kept to a minimum and 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing maintained throughout
  • Delivery drivers to be instructed by security guard/gate attendant to wash or clean hands before unloading goods/materials, hand sanitiser to be provided to security guard/gate attendant for this purpose
  • Government ‘Staying COVID-19 Secure’ notice to be displayed prominently


  • Signage to be displayed at entrance to facilities advising on maximum users at any one time, 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing and need to wash hands before and after using the facilities
  • Use a welfare attendant to monitor numbers where necessary
  • Staggered break times for subcontractor staff on site to maintain social distancing on access/egress routes and welfare facilities
  • Enhanced cleaning regimes for toilet facilities to be established and scope of clean to be agreed. All door handles, locks, toilet flush, toilet roll holders, hand towel dispensers and taps must be cleaned during each clean
  • Portable toilets to be avoided wherever possible, but where in use these are to be cleaned as part of the enhanced cleaning regime and emptied more frequently
  • Suitable and sufficient rubbish bins to be provided for hand towels with regular removal and disposal


  • Signage to be displayed at entrance to facilities advising on maximum users at any one time, 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing and need to wash hands before and after using the facilities
  • Use a welfare attendant to monitor numbers where necessary
  • Staggered break times for subcontractor staff on site to maintain social distancing on access/egress routes and welfare facilities
  • Project Manager must ensure that seats are marked up for use 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) apart to maintain social distancing within the site canteen
  • Payments should be taken by contactless card wherever possible
  • BCEGI and subcontractor staff are encouraged to bring pre-prepared meals and refillable drinking bottles from home to reduce the need for movement of people through access/egress points and make maintaining a register of who is on site more manageable
  • Hand sanitiser (60%+ alcohol based) to be available at the entrance of any room where people eat for use by staff before and after using the facilities
  • Antibacterial wipes or antibacterial spray and paper towel to be available for staff to clean tables between each us
  • All rubbish to be put straight in the bin and not left for someone else to clear up
  • Enhanced cleaning regimes for canteen facilities to be established and scope of clean to be agreed. All tap mechanisms, chairs, tables, boiler taps and door handles must be cleaned at least at the end of each break and shift


  • Signage to be displayed at entrance to facilities advising on maximum users at any one time, 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing and need to wash hands before and after using the facilities
  • Use a welfare attendant to monitor numbers where necessary
  • Enhanced cleaning regimes for canteen facilities to be established and scope of clean to be agreed. All tap mechanisms, door handles, locks, seats and hand towel dispensers must be cleaned throughout the day and at the end of each day
  • Suitable and sufficient rubbish bins to be provided for hand towels with regular removal and disposal


  • Project Manager must ensure BCEGI and subcontractor office layouts are rearranged as necessary to allow people to work and maintain the 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distance. Only where it is not possible to move workstations further apart should other measures be implemented such as working back to back or side by side rather than face to face or using screens to separate people.
  • Any BCEGI staff that are able to work from home must work from home, this will free up desk space in site offices for staff members involved directly in site supervision/site management.


  • Stairs to be used in preference to lifts or hoists
  • Where lifts or hoists must be used 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing demarcations to be established within the lift/hoist and outside of lift/hoist where people may wait for access
  • Where stairs are used, signage to be displayed at landing levels advising of requirement for 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing and instructing staff to check if route is clear by visual check and shout before accessing stairs
  • Enhanced cleaning regimes for lifts/hoists and stairwells to be established and scope of clean to be agreed. Touchpoints, handrails, doors, buttons etc must be cleaned throughout the day and at the end of each day


  • Only absolutely necessary meetings to be held with only absolutely necessary participants in attendance
  • 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing maintained throughout
  • Rooms should be well ventilated with windows open to allow fresh air circulation
  • Consider holding meetings in open areas where possible


Specific arrangements for cleaning are detailed in the sections above. In general terms, enhanced cleaning procedures are to be put in place across all construction sites and offices, particularly in communal areas and at touch points including –

  • Taps and washing facilities
  • Toilet flush and seats
  • Door handles and push plates
  • Handrails on staircases and corridors
  • Lift and hoist controls
  • Machinery and equipment controls
  • Food preparation and eating surfaces
  • Telephone equipment
  • Keyboards, photocopiers and other office equipment

Rubbish collection and storage points should be increased and emptied regularly throughout and at the end of each day.


  • 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) interval demarcations to be established in smoking areas on site
  • Signage to be displayed at entrance to smoking area advising on maximum users at any one time
  • Staggered break times for subcontractor staff on site to maintain social distancing on access/egress routes and smoking area


  • Where the make/model of the thermometer on site or in the office allows for temperatures to be taken from 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) away, the temperature of everyone attending the site or office should be taken prior to entry. Anybody with a temperature exceeding 37.8oC is not be permitted access to company premises. Those who are not permitted to access company premises due to having a high temperature will be advised to use the NHS COVID-19 online assessment tool ( in line with government advice at the time of writing. This measure applies to all persons entering company premises, including BCEGI Construction (UK) Ltd employees
  • Where the make/model of the thermometer on site or in the office does not allow for temperatures to be taken from 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) away, temperature testing is not to be undertaken


  • Where a member of BCEGI or subcontractor staff develops a high temperature, a persistent cough or a loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell whilst at work, they should –
  • Return home immediately
  • Avoid touching anything
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue and put it in a bin, or if they do not have tissues, cough or sneeze into the crook of their elbow
  • The person experiencing symptoms should be picked up by somebody from the same household if they are unable to get home safely on their own
  • The person experiencing symptoms should –
  • Self-isolate for at least 10 days from onset of symptoms
  • Arrange a test
  • Followadviceontextfromtestresult
  • Co-workers do not need to self-isolate unless requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace, a public health professional or close contact is known to have occurred
  • Project Manager must ensure a thorough clean of any identifiable affected areas/items is undertaken

Where a member of BCEGI or subcontractor staff are not experiencing symptoms but have taken a test for Coronavirus (COVID-19) and have tested positive, the person should self-isolate for at least 10 days starting from the day the test was taken. Co-workers do not need to self-isolate unless requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace, a public health professional or close contact is known to have occurred.


BCEGI recognises that there are numerous scenarios which may arise outside of the workplace which could impact on BCEGI or subcontractor staff. Although all eventualities cannot be covered by this management standard, some possible scenarios and the actions to be taken are as follows –

  • Where another occupant(s) of a staff members household experiences symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) –
    1. The staff member must self-isolate for 14 days from onset of symptoms of the affected person
    2. Only if the affected person is tested and tests negative for Coronavirus (COVID-19) can the staff member end their 14-day self-isolation period early
  • Where another occupant(s) of a staff members household tests positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) –
    1. The staff member must self-isolate for 14 days starting from the day the test was taken by the affected person. Note – This is the case even if the staff member themself tests negative for Coronavirus (COVID-19) during their 14-day self-isolation period
  • Where a staff members child is required to self-isolate after being identified as a contact of an affected pupil/teacher in school, the staff member does not need to self-isolate unless their child develops symptoms. If their child develops symptoms within their 14-day self-isolation period, the staff member should arrange a test for their child and –
    1. If their child tests negative for Coronavirus (COVID-19), the child must remain in self-isolation for the remainder of their 14-day self-isolation period but the member of staff can end their own self-isolation
    2. If their child tests positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19), the child must self-isolate for 10 days from onset of their symptoms and the staff member must self-isolate for 14 days from onset of their child’s symptoms


  • Project Manager must ensure that every subcontractor on site has submitted a risk assessment specifically for Coronavirus (COVID-19). The risk assessment must be reviewed by the Project Manager using the RAMS Review form on the IMS prior to the subcontractor starting work on site. Simply referencing BCEGI’s measures is not enough. Subcontractors need to outline what they are doing to protect their employees, details of maintaining social distancing for work activities must be included and other things like cleaning vehicle cabs/equipment between use by different operatives.


  • In the event of an accident occurring where the IP requires first aid –
    • The time for which ‘1m with risk mitigation’ social distance isn’t maintained is to be kept to a minimum
    • Skin to skin contact is to be avoided
    • First aider and IP to wear eye protection, mask and gloves
    • Re-usable PPE is to be thorough cleaned after use
    • Single use PPE is to be disposed of so that it cannot be reused
  • 999 to be called in the event of an emergency

In a non-emergency, anyone who takes ill to be picked up by somebody from the same household or by taxi if they are unable to get home/to hospital safely on their own.


  • BCEGI trained mental health first aiders available to support staff where needed
  • Employee Assistance Programme. A confidential service designed to help employees deal with personal and professional issues that could be affecting their home or work life, their health or their general wellbeing. Use the free 24-hour confidential helpline 0800 030 5182 for support such as –
    • Access to counselling services
    • Legal information
    • Medical information
  • Wellbeing Portal which offers a range of support on a variety of health issues. Go to and use login details Username: BCEGI and Password: EAP
  • TEAMS social area setup for staff to engage remotely with other staff on non-work related topics
  • Fortnightly welfare catch up call to BCEGI staff working from home


  • BCEGI have issued a Management Standard specifically detailing control measures
  • Controls detailed in item 3 ‘social distancing in the workplace’ as detailed in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) risk assessment apply
  • Maintain 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) distance at all times from occupants. If this cannot be maintained, work cannot proceed
  • Regular hand cleaning with soap and water or hand sanitiser
  • Single use disposable gloves to be worn
  • If operatives feel unwell, they are to go home and report this to supervisor
  • Agreed with Customer Care that the Aftercare team are only to deal with emergency call outs
  • Single use disposable gloves, glasses and face mask to be worn if occupants have COVID-19, are self-isolating or considered ‘vulnerable’ (pregnant, over 70, underlying health conditions) or if requested

Operatives to carry anti-bacterial wipes to clean surfaces/handles before and after use. Any shared tools or PPE to also be wiped down after use.


In the event of more than one case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) occurring at the same time at a company workplace, the SHEQ Lead will advise the Senior Management Team and contact the local PHE health protection team.

If a construction site or office is not consistently implementing the measures set out in this management standard it will be required to close

Archive: BCEGI COVID-19 Management Standards


This Standard applies to all BCEGI employees and 3rd parties across all BCEGI construction sites and offices.


This Standard provides direction to BCEGI employees on the company’s requirements for Coronavirus (COVID- 19). It ensures that suitable and sufficient measures are established to protect the workforce and minimise the risk of spread of infection.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness which infects the lungs. Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads when an infected person coughs small droplets containing the virus into the air. These can cause an infection if breathed in, or if you touch a surface they have landed on and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Symptoms start with a fever followed by a dry cough, which can lead to breathing problems.

This Standard is intended to ensure consistent measures are in place across all BCEGI construction sites and offices in line with the government guidance document ‘Working safely during COVID-19 in construction and other outdoor work’ updated on 12th August 2020 the Construction Leadership Council ‘Construction Sector – Site Operating Procedures’ issued on 4th July 2020.



UK Government COVID-19 Secure guidelines are to be followed at all company workplaces.

Anyone (BCEGI and subcontractor staff included) that meets any of the following criteria must not come to any BCEGI construction site or office and must follow government guidance on self-isolation –

  • High temperature (above 37.8oC), a persistent cough or a loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell
  • Tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19), even if experiencing no symptoms
  • Is within 14 days of the day when the first member of their household showed symptoms of Coronavirus(COVID-19)
  • Has been contacted by the NHS Test & Trace Service
  • Has not been contacted by the NHS Test & Trace Service but knows themselves to have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) anytime from 2 days before the person was symptomatic up to 7 days from onset of their symptoms. ‘Close contact’ could be a person who:
    • Spends significant time in the same household
    • Is a sexual partner
    • Has had face-to-face contact (within one metre), including:
      • Being coughed on
      • Having skin-to-skin physical contact, or
      • Contact within one metre for one minute
  • Has been within 2 metres of someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) for more than 15 minutes
  • Has travelled in the same small, large vehicle or plane

Anyone classed as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ or ‘clinically vulnerable’ should in the first instance be helped to work from home, either in their current role or in an alternative role if possible. Where not possible, a specific risk assessment should be produced by the persons employer which considers whether 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing can be maintained at all times and the severity of the persons condition. Subcontractors are to provide BCEGI with a specific risk assessment for that person demonstrating that the risk has been assessed and is an acceptable level. Individuals classed as ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ will have been contacted by their GP or hospital advising them of such. Individuals with the following conditions are classed as ‘clinically vulnerable’ –

    • under 70 with an underlying health condition listed below (that is, anyone instructed to get a flu jab as an adult each year on medical grounds):
    • chronic (long-term) mild to moderate respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or bronchitis
    • chronic heart disease, such as heart failure
    • chronic kidney disease
    • chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
    • chronic neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), or cerebral palsy
    • diabetes
    • a weakened immune system as the result of conditions such as HIV and AIDS, or medicines such as steroid tablets
    • being seriously overweight (a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above)
    • pregnant women

Anyone living with a person who is at increased risk of severe illness or is ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ and is shielding from Coronavirus (COVID-19) is permitted to attend BCEGI construction sites and offices but should stringently follow government guidance on social distancing and minimise contact outside the home.

Any BCEGI staff that are able to work from home must work from home. Due to the continued need to manage our construction sites safely and effectively, staff members involved directly in site supervision/site management will not feasibly be able to work from home in most instances. All other staff members must work from home where they are able to do so.

Subcontractor staff involved in construction activity are by virtue of the work that they do unable to work from home however, the number of subcontractor staff attending our constructions sites to work must be strictly managed to ensure that government guidance on social distancing is implemented effectively. Responsibility for ensuring that the number of subcontractor staff on site is kept to a manageable amount is with the Project Manager, who must on a daily basis review the number of subcontractor staff and the effective implementation of social distancing on site. Due to variation in work activities, access/egress arrangements, site welfare setups etc, a figure for the maximum number of subcontractor staff cannot be applied consistently across all of our construction sites. The Construction Director and/or SHEQ Lead may instruct a reduction in the number of subcontractor staff on any project where social distancing is not being implemented effectively.


  • All staff (inc subcontractors) to stay more than 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) apart at all times where possible
  • Work activities to be rearranged to enable them to be done by one person or to maintain 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing where possible
  • Where it is not possible for staff (inc subcontractors) to stay more than 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) apart when undertaking a work activity then that work activity can only be undertaken where it is needed for the site to continue to operate or in emergency situations such as first aid. In such circumstances, the following principles are to be applied –
    • A risk assessment for the work activity must be in place
    • The time and frequency for which the ‘1m with risk mitigation’ social distance isn’t maintained is to be kept to a minimum
    • The number of workers involved in the work activities is to be kept to a minimum
    • Fixedteams/partnering
    • Workers to work side by side, or facing away from each other, rather than face to face where possible
    • Increase ventilation in closed spaces
    • Workers to wash hands before and after using any equipment
    • Regularcleaningofcommontouchpoints, doors, buttons, handles, vehicle cabs, tools, equipment etc
    • Skintoskincontactistobeavoided
    • Additional supervision to be provided to monitor and manage compliance o Re-usablePPEistobethoroughcleanedafteruse
    • Single-use PPE is to be disposed of so that it cannot be reused
  • Any work activities where 2m social distance is not viable and workers cannot maintain the ‘1m with risk mitigation’ social distance will be controlled strictly by way of a social distancing permit to work system. Subcontractors must obtain a permit to work from BCEGI site management prior to the work activity being undertaken. Any such works being undertaken without a permit will be stopped immediately and site disciplinary action will be taken.
  • BCEGI and subcontractor office layouts to be rearranged to allow people to work and maintain the 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distance. Only where it is not possible to move workstations further apart should other measures be implemented such as working back to back or side by side rather than face to face or using screens to separate people.

BCEGI site management will undertake a weekly social distancing inspection to monitor compliance with this management standard. Any instances of non-compliance will be reported to subcontractor site management where applicable and repeated non-compliance will result in site disciplinary action being taken.


Where workers are required to wear PPE for their specific task, to control the risk of spread of infection –

    • Re-usablePPEistobethoroughcleanedafteruse
    • Single-use PPE is to be disposed of so that it cannot be reused


According to government guidance document ‘Working safely during COVID-19 in construction and other outdoor work’ updated on 12th August 2020, there is growing evidence that wearing a face covering in an enclosed space helps protect individuals and those around them from Coronavirus (COVID-19) but that face coverings are not a replacement for other ways of managing risk. Face coverings are to be made available where workers are not required to wear RPE for their specific task and their workplace meets any of the following criteria –

  • An enclosed space
  • Where social distancing isn’t always possible; and
  • Where they come into contact with others, they do not normally meet

Face coverings are not a replacement for the other ways of managing risk, including minimising time spent in contact, using fixed teams and partnering for close-up work, and increasing hand and surface washing. These other measures remain the best ways of managing risk in the workplace. Staff (inc subcontractors) may wear a face covering however this is optional. If face coverings are worn it is important that they are used properly and that wearers wash hands before putting them on and taking them off. Face coverings must not adversely impact the use of other PPE which is required to be worn e.g. eye protection.


  • BCEGI and subcontractor staff to walk or cycle where possible. Where not possible, driving or use of public transport is permitted.
  • Where public transport is the only option for workers they should –
    • Consider avoiding using public transport during peak times (05:45 ‐ 8:15 and 16:00 ‐ 17:30)
    • Be aware that face coverings are mandatory on all types of public transport
  • If workers have no option but to share a vehicle then they should –
    • Share with the same individuals where possible and minimise the number of people from outside of the same household
    • Maintain a distance of 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) where possible and avoiding touching their faces
    • Maintain ventilation(open windows) and face away from each other
    • Wash/sanitise hands (60%+ alcohol based) hands upon entering and getting out of vehicle
    • Regularly clean the interior of the vehicle and handles using gloves and standard cleaning products
  • Project managers to ensure there is adequate parking for BCEGI and subcontractor staff working on site
  • Anyone who takes ill to be picked up by somebody from the same household if they are unable to get home safely on their own


  • Stop access for all non-essential visitors
  • Staggered start and finish times for subcontractor staff on site to maintain social distancing on access/egress routes and welfare facilities
  • 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) interval demarcations to be established at site access/egress points
  • BCEGI and subcontractor staff to be signed in and out by security guard/gate attendant or card/facial scanners to be used – fingerprint scanners must not be used
  • Signage to be displayed at access/egress points instructing BCEGI and subcontractor staff to wash/sanitise (60%+ alcohol based) hands upon arrival and departure
  • Project Manager to instruct subcontractors that every effort should be made to avoid the need for site inductions to be carried out by using staff that have previously been inducted on site. Where site induction cannot be avoided, numbers to be kept to a minimum and 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing maintained throughout
  • Delivery drivers to be instructed by security guard/gate attendant to wash or clean hands before unloading goods/materials, hand sanitiser to be provided to security guard/gate attendant for this purpose
  • Government ‘Staying COVID-19 Secure’ notice to be displayed prominently


  • Signage to be displayed at entrance to facilities advising on maximum users at any one time, 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing and need to wash hands before and after using the facilities
  • Use a welfare attendant to monitor numbers where necessary
  • Staggered break times for subcontractor staff on site to maintain social distancing on access/egress routes and welfare facilities
  • Enhanced cleaning regimes for toilet facilities to be established and scope of clean to be agreed. All door handles, locks, toilet flush, toilet roll holders, hand towel dispensers and taps must be cleaned during each clean
  • Portable toilets to be avoided wherever possible, but where in use these are to be cleaned as part of the enhanced cleaning regime and emptied more frequently
  • Suitable and sufficient rubbish bins to be provided for hand towels with regular removal and disposal


  • Signage to be displayed at entrance to facilities advising on maximum users at any one time, 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing and need to wash hands before and after using the facilities
  • Use a welfare attendant to monitor numbers where necessary
  • Staggered break times for subcontractor staff on site to maintain social distancing on access/egress routes and welfare facilities
  • Project Manager must ensure that seats are marked up for use 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) apart to maintain social distancing within the site canteen
  • Payments should be taken by contactless card wherever possible
  • BCEGI and subcontractor staff are encouraged to bring pre-prepared meals and refillable drinking bottles from home to reduce the need for movement of people through access/egress points and make maintaining a register of who is on site more manageable
  • Hand sanitiser (60%+ alcohol based) to be available at the entrance of any room where people eat for use by staff before and after using the facilities
  • Antibacterial wipes or antibacterial spray and paper towel to be available for staff to clean tables between each us
  • All rubbish to be put straight in the bin and not left for someone else to clear up
  • Enhanced cleaning regimes for canteen facilities to be established and scope of clean to be agreed. All tap mechanisms, chairs, tables, boiler taps and door handles must be cleaned at least at the end of each break and shift


  • Signage to be displayed at entrance to facilities advising on maximum users at any one time, 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing and need to wash hands before and after using the facilities
  • Use a welfare attendant to monitor numbers where necessary
  • Enhanced cleaning regimes for canteen facilities to be established and scope of clean to be agreed. All tap mechanisms, door handles, locks, seats and hand towel dispensers must be cleaned throughout the day and at the end of each day
  • Suitable and sufficient rubbish bins to be provided for hand towels with regular removal and disposal


  • Project Manager must ensure BCEGI and subcontractor office layouts are rearranged as necessary to allow people to work and maintain the 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distance. Only where it is not possible to move workstations further apart should other measures be implemented such as working back to back or side by side rather than face to face or using screens to separate people.
  • Any BCEGI staff that are able to work from home must work from home, this will free up desk space in site offices for staff members involved directly in site supervision/site management.


  • Stairs to be used in preference to lifts or hoists
  • Where lifts or hoists must be used 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing demarcations to be established within the lift/hoist and outside of lift/hoist where people may wait for access
  • Where stairs are used, signage to be displayed at landing levels advising of requirement for 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing and instructing staff to check if route is clear by visual check and shout before accessing stairs
  • Enhanced cleaning regimes for lifts/hoists and stairwells to be established and scope of clean to be agreed. Touchpoints, handrails, doors, buttons etc must be cleaned throughout the day and at the end of each day


  • Only absolutely necessary meetings to be held with only absolutely necessary participants in attendance
  • 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) social distancing maintained throughout
  • Rooms should be well ventilated with windows open to allow fresh air circulation
  • Consider holding meetings in open areas where possible


Specific arrangements for cleaning are detailed in the sections above. In general terms, enhanced cleaning procedures are to be put in place across all construction sites and offices, particularly in communal areas and at touch points including –

  • Taps and washing facilities
  • Toilet flush and seats
  • Door handles and push plates
  • Handrails on staircases and corridors
  • Lift and hoist controls
  • Machinery and equipment controls
  • Food preparation and eating surfaces
  • Telephone equipment
  • Keyboards, photocopiers and other office equipment

Rubbish collection and storage points should be increased and emptied regularly throughout and at the end of each day.


  • 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) interval demarcations to be established in smoking areas on site
  • Signage to be displayed at entrance to smoking area advising on maximum users at any one time
  • Staggered break times for subcontractor staff on site to maintain social distancing on access/egress routes and smoking area


  • Where the make/model of the thermometer on site or in the office allows for temperatures to be taken from 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) away, the temperature of everyone attending the site or office should be taken prior to entry. Anybody with a temperature exceeding 37.8oC is not be permitted access to company premises. Those who are not permitted to access company premises due to having a high temperature will be advised to use the NHS COVID-19 online assessment tool ( in line with government advice at the time of writing. This measure applies to all persons entering company premises, including BCEGI Construction (UK) Ltd employees
  • Where the make/model of the thermometer on site or in the office does not allow for temperatures to be taken from 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) away, temperature testing is not to be undertaken


  • Where a member of BCEGI or subcontractor staff develops a high temperature, a persistent cough or a loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell whilst at work, they should –
  • Return home immediately
  • Avoid touching anything
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue and put it in a bin, or if they do not have tissues, cough or sneeze into the crook of their elbow
  • The person experiencing symptoms should be picked up by somebody from the same household if they are unable to get home safely on their own
  • The person experiencing symptoms should –
  • Self-isolate for at least 10 days from onset of symptoms
  • Arrange a test
  • Followadviceontextfromtestresult
  • Co-workers do not need to self-isolate unless requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace, a public health professional or close contact is known to have occurred
  • Project Manager must ensure a thorough clean of any identifiable affected areas/items is undertaken

Where a member of BCEGI or subcontractor staff are not experiencing symptoms but have taken a test for Coronavirus (COVID-19) and have tested positive, the person should self-isolate for at least 10 days starting from the day the test was taken. Co-workers do not need to self-isolate unless requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace, a public health professional or close contact is known to have occurred.


BCEGI recognises that there are numerous scenarios which may arise outside of the workplace which could impact on BCEGI or subcontractor staff. Although all eventualities cannot be covered by this management standard, some possible scenarios and the actions to be taken are as follows –

  • Where another occupant(s) of a staff members household experiences symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) –
    1. The staff member must self-isolate for 14 days from onset of symptoms of the affected person
    2. Only if the affected person is tested and tests negative for Coronavirus (COVID-19) can the staff member end their 14-day self-isolation period early
  • Where another occupant(s) of a staff members household tests positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) –
    1. The staff member must self-isolate for 14 days starting from the day the test was taken by the affected person. Note – This is the case even if the staff member themself tests negative for Coronavirus (COVID-19) during their 14-day self-isolation period
  • Where a staff members child is required to self-isolate after being identified as a contact of an affected pupil/teacher in school, the staff member does not need to self-isolate unless their child develops symptoms. If their child develops symptoms within their 14-day self-isolation period, the staff member should arrange a test for their child and –
    1. If their child tests negative for Coronavirus (COVID-19), the child must remain in self-isolation for the remainder of their 14-day self-isolation period but the member of staff can end their own self-isolation
    2. If their child tests positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19), the child must self-isolate for 10 days from onset of their symptoms and the staff member must self-isolate for 14 days from onset of their child’s symptoms


  • Project Manager must ensure that every subcontractor on site has submitted a risk assessment specifically for Coronavirus (COVID-19). The risk assessment must be reviewed by the Project Manager using the RAMS Review form on the IMS prior to the subcontractor starting work on site. Simply referencing BCEGI’s measures is not enough. Subcontractors need to outline what they are doing to protect their employees, details of maintaining social distancing for work activities must be included and other things like cleaning vehicle cabs/equipment between use by different operatives.


  • In the event of an accident occurring where the IP requires first aid –
    • The time for which ‘1m with risk mitigation’ social distance isn’t maintained is to be kept to a minimum
    • Skin to skin contact is to be avoided
    • First aider and IP to wear eye protection, mask and gloves
    • Re-usable PPE is to be thorough cleaned after use
    • Single use PPE is to be disposed of so that it cannot be reused
  • 999 to be called in the event of an emergency

In a non-emergency, anyone who takes ill to be picked up by somebody from the same household or by taxi if they are unable to get home/to hospital safely on their own.


  • BCEGI trained mental health first aiders available to support staff where needed
  • Employee Assistance Programme. A confidential service designed to help employees deal with personal and professional issues that could be affecting their home or work life, their health or their general wellbeing. Use the free 24-hour confidential helpline 0800 030 5182 for support such as –
    • Access to counselling services
    • Legal information
    • Medical information
  • Wellbeing Portal which offers a range of support on a variety of health issues. Go to and use login details Username: BCEGI and Password: EAP
  • TEAMS social area setup for staff to engage remotely with other staff on non-work related topics
  • Fortnightly welfare catch up call to BCEGI staff working from home


  • BCEGI have issued a Management Standard specifically detailing control measures
  • Controls detailed in item 3 ‘social distancing in the workplace’ as detailed in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) risk assessment apply
  • Maintain 2m (or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable) distance at all times from occupants. If this cannot be maintained, work cannot proceed
  • Regular hand cleaning with soap and water or hand sanitiser
  • Single use disposable gloves to be worn
  • If operatives feel unwell, they are to go home and report this to supervisor
  • Agreed with Customer Care that the Aftercare team are only to deal with emergency call outs
  • Single use disposable gloves, glasses and face mask to be worn if occupants have COVID-19, are self-isolating or considered ‘vulnerable’ (pregnant, over 70, underlying health conditions) or if requested

Operatives to carry anti-bacterial wipes to clean surfaces/handles before and after use. Any shared tools or PPE to also be wiped down after use.


In the event of more than one case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) occurring at the same time at a company workplace, the SHEQ Lead will advise the Senior Management Team and contact the local PHE health protection team.

If a construction site or office is not consistently implementing the measures set out in this management standard it will be required to close

Archive: BCEGI COVID-19 Management Standards